How To Manage Your Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) Provider
Updated: Jan 29
I have covered this topic many times because every primary care network I have ever supported typically commissions at least one clinical services provider to deliver some of its primary care network services.
However, these services are often not really managed. After the initial onboarding period, the services and the people delivering these are just left, and communication only takes place when something is wrong.
It's important to regularly review the services you offer to your patients. By doing so, you can ensure the network's services are;
Meeting the needs of your patients
Providing value for money
Supporting you to achieve the PCNs targets, network requirements and practice needs
This blog is for you if you;
Want to increase your understanding of the services in place
Are looking to establish a monthly or quarterly service review
Would like an example of what a service report could look like
Want to understand the pros and cons of using a managed service
Let's jump in!

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