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Want to quickly calculate the salary for your PCN team?
This online salary calculator will support your network to better understand the investment required for each role employed under the Primary Care Network Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS).
The calculator provides the maximum reimbursement for each role,
the annual salary, hourly rate, and employers' national insurance and pension calculations, and now includes a free text box so you can calculate a specific salary.
The calculator can now be found in our Primary Care Network Members Club. You will need to be a member to access the salary calculator.

The calculator will calculate the maximum salary your networks can provides which is fully reimbursed by the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme and includes a free text box for you to calculate a specific salary
This is an example of the salary calculator, you will need to access it via the Members Club login if you are a paid member or join if you are yet to do so.

Join the members club today to access our most up to date calculator, exclusive blogs, templates and masterclasses
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